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SCAGD (7 CE)- Lecture: Practical Oral Surgery For General Dentists
June 5, 2016 @ 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Contact: Dr. Robert Garfield
June 5, 2016 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
The Monrovian Family Restaurant, 534 S. Myrtle Ave.,Monrovia, CA 91016, United States
S C A G D- Lecture- Practical Oral Surgery For General Dentists:
Practical Oral Surgery For General Dentists – 7 CE Units
Registration: 7:00 am to 8:00 a.m.
Time: Sunday, June 5, 2016 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Address: The Monrovian Family Restaurant, 534 S. Myrtle Ave., Monrovia, CA 91016
Instructor: Dennis Smiler, DDS, MScD, Los Angeles, California
Continental Breakfast, Fabulous Buffet Lunch & Free Parking Included
Cancellation Policy: Must be within 14 days of the meeting for a 90% refund.
Course Description:
A Proper Examination, Surgical Removal of Maxillary & Mandibular Impacted 3rd Molars, Erupted 3rd Molars and Retained Roots, Surgical Removal of Cysts,Soft and Bony Tissues & Hyperplastic Tissue, Surgical Removal of Soft-Tissue Tumors & Fibromas, Surgical Removal of Torus Palatinus,Torus Mandibularis and sharp Mylohyoid Ridges. Surgical Exposure of Impacted Canines for Pre-Orthodontic Treatment, Frenectomies, Lingual Frenectomies (ankyloglossia), Incision & Drainage of Abscesses, Effective Mandibular Block Techniques,Post – Operative treatment, Dry Sockets and Useful Medications. After taking this course most general dentists will have the confidence and skill to perform all of the surgical techniques taught in this seminar. THIS HAS THE POTENTIAL TO SIGNIFICANTLY INCREASE YOUR OFFICE INCOME.
Click here for EZ-Print Registration Form
Registration by Fax, Mail, Email or Telephone (see below)
Name___________________________________________________DDS/DMD/ RDH/ RDA/ DA (circle)Dental License #____________________________ 6-Digit AGD # if you are a paid-up member_________________
Address_____________________________________City_________________State______Zip Code_________
Credit Card # _______________________________Expiration________________ Sec. Code_______________
Card Billing Name, Address & Zip_____________________________________________________________

Dr. Robert Garfield is the only person who will see your credit card information
AGD Member$225$275$300Non-AGD Dentist$275$350$350Auxiliary/Staff$125$135$150
Tuition by October 15, 2016 | After October 15, 2016 | At-the-Door |
All credit card information is secure. Dr. Garfield is the only person in the SCAGD office.Fax, Email or Mail This Form to SCAGD c/o Robert E. Garfield, DDS, 2720 Aqua Verde Circle, Los Angeles, CA 90077-1502 Fax: 310-472-6729 Phone: 310-471-4916 Drrobertgarfield@aol.com